'AIM Higher' ~ The Brand
AIM's mission is to motivate our clients to go bigger, look deeper,
~AIM Higher~
The products in our pipeline were created to arm you with budget targeted tools that help pave the way to financial success.
From cash envelopes to digital planners, our custom products provide proven
financial solutions and budgeting tactics
that really work!
Product Line-Up

'AIM Higher' Financial Planner
Our Financial Planners help you create and stick to a budget as we TRACK.EVERY.EXPENSE!
Plan exactly where your money needs to go each month with our convenient Booklet and PDF Planner!
No more keeping up with cumbersome excel sheets, or confusing web apps - our pdf planners are one of the first of its kind.
Auto-computing, Weekly Tracking, &
User-friendly in a simple PDF format!
Full 2022 Calendar
Yearly Expense Outline
Month over Month Budget Sheets
Positive Affirmations for each Month
Available as a E-PDF or Booklet

'AIM Higher' Budget Binder
Our custom Budget Binder cash envelopes are a helpful tool in creating a healthy relationship with saving!
Keep your cash organized and put away as you eliminate excess spending.
~Available in Adult and Youth Versions~
Practice patience, goal setting, and help kids realize the true cost of items as they save towards their wants and needs!
Save for upcoming trips, weekly grocery shopping, or store excess cash for a rainy day.
Interchangeable envelope labels ensure a long lasting booklet with easy updates as you fulfill your goals!
Car Payment
- Utilities
- Vacation
Date Night
Label Options include:
and many, more!
**Designed and fulfilled in partnership with